Mee6 dashboard
Mee6 dashboard

mee6 dashboard

It is not possible to fetch data from the dashboard if this option is not enabled and the error 'Response code 401' will be returned. On the Dashboard ( -> Select your server) go to Leaderboard and enable 'Make my server's leaderboard public' Your leaderboard will now be publicly visible. Open the leaderboard settings in the MEE6 dashboard and enable the option: Make my server's leaderboard public.

mee6 dashboard mee6 dashboard

The MEE6 Bot’s Music player dashboard allows you to play, pause, search for song, play next or rewind a song, loop the songs in a playlist without any commands. We plan to launch some neat new features in the future, created through the help and advice of the community. You can also use MEE6 Bot to play and manage your music playlist with the help of its visual music player.


We also offer Reddit/Twitch/YouTube notifications, timers, custom commands, and other moderation features. With the MEE6 dashboard, you will be able to get full control over your server old: switch. Const Mee6LevelsApi = require ( "mee6-levels-api" ) const guildId = "159962941502783488" // or a Guild object with the id property const userId = "258258856189231104" // or a User object with the id property Mee6LevelsApi. Growing and trending music bot that requires a uniquely redesigned website and needs a working Discord bot dashboard with the ability to change the bots. MEE6 is a 2-year-old Discord bot known for Levels, Auto-moderation, and its' paid music/record features.

Mee6 dashboard